Confessions of a Yard Sale Fanatic
Unless you live on a busy street with a lot of drive-by traffic, having good, readable, yardsale signs really can help direct people to your yardsale. Since I go to yardsales every chance I get, I see the whole range of signs, from the good to the very bad. You know a good yardsale sign when you see it: readable and has the pertinent information on it (street name and date) and a big fat arrow.
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Rain + homemade signs = does not make for a good combination.

Clotes for sale.

My first time at a "rumage" sale. I bought nothing.
Here's a bad sign - too much doodle crap - I had to literally get about 2 feet from the sign in order to read it. Many people wouldn't have bothered.

What usually happens when people use flimsy poster board...ugghh...
These just caught my attention:

This is always a good sign to see:

I spotted this sign (apparently made out of kryptonite), in snowy upstate NY in December for moving sale that took place that past August (take your signs down people, and if you don't, I hope the Yardsale Gods gives you bad yardsale karma

Hard to miss this sign for sale on VArDs. However, the sign was so darn big that it was a traffic hazard, blocking the view of oncoming traffic. Bigger is not always better.

Thankfully, some people have great signs. Here's one where the person attached their sign to a box (which they weighed down)

I went to this yardsale and of course I had to ask where they got their signs. The spouse works for a graphics/sign company. Of course.

H o m e
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